Looking for the newest college trends with hot deals? Good, you're in the same boat as I am. Take off those sweatpants (it's cool if you leave the leggings) and make the world see you as a real person. You don't have to empty your bank account to have a stellar closet.
I'm into the simple things — a standout sweater, a statement headband or some flashy flats. Buy things that will make people comment on your outfit. This site is here for buying advice. I'll tell you where to buy the hot items around Athens and online, and more important, how much you should pay for them!
I'm here to make you look good.
2 weeks ago
April 13, 2010 at 2:00 PM
Lauren, you should check out ModCloth.com I am also a shopping feign, so I look forward to reading about the trends you find :)