Like new

Every girl loves and needs a little black dress, but a New Yorker has taken that love to a whole new level. Sheena Matheiken pledged to wear the same little black dress for an entire year as part of The Uniform Project. May 1 marked the one year anniversary of her adventure. According to a Stylelist article, it was her way of mixing together fashion, sustainability and philanthropy.

Matheiken said wearing the same dress wasn't as boring as she thought. She mixes up styles by adding different kinds of jewelry, shoes and accessories. The dress itself was by Eliza Starbuck, which is to be worn frontward and backward; she rotated seven different styles.

"I never actually felt like I was wearing the same thing every day," she said. "The looks makes me feel like different characteristics, personalities."

Matheiken has proved a signature piece of clothing can last a person for a whole year. Other signature pieces include a blazer, a pair of jeans that make you feel sexy, studs that can match any outfit, black high heals and a solid print dress (of course).

The key for these outfits is accessorize, accessorize, accessorize.

"You have to realize what is it that you like," she said. Are you a scarf person? Are you a belt person? What are the things you're naturally drawn to? Expand on that and start playing with them."

You don't have to be a creative fashionista to look better every day. You might even have some key items in your closet right now.

One more thing: Keep it simple!

1 Response to "Like new"

  1. Mak says:
    May 7, 2010 at 7:47 PM

    I love the idea of really using a few staple pieces to stretch your closet. As a college student, I especially appreciate being able to create new outfits with pieces I already have. I really love the concept behind Sheena wearing the same LBD for a year to prove you can make every outfit new!

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